The company XXXXX BAGS LIMITED(我们工厂) declares that the 40.250 drawstring bags Peppa Pig , made in poliéster 210 D, produced for XXXXXXX, are manufactured at the same level of quality of similar productions made before for XXXX(之前做过一次这个客户).
If there are more than a 2% units with lower level quality , XXXXXX BAGS LIMITED(我们工厂) accept the compromise to :
1 - replace the lower quality units urgently in CIF conditions,
2 - or refund the purchase cost , at 0,37 US $ + 0,04 US$ (transport and custom costs) , per unit.
客人 有权选择 option 1 or 2
该不该接收保证书盖章呢? 货款
按先前签订的合同履行,现在出质量保证书对您们不利。很多客户就是没有质量问题,也以质量问题为借口要求少付款,别上当 按之前的合同履行,现在尾款未付,又签这个玩意,有多半是客户起了某种心思,很有可能到时候这一万美金还不够赔偿的,到时候你还得再往里面填坑想买3C数码产品怎么办?赶紧在百度搜索 无忧岛资讯 百家号,各种精品数码产品等你发现~